Being civically engaged

Being civically engaged

  • Effective dialogue

    A skill that every trainer should possess, especially those leading significant change, is the ability to engage others in dialogue. The trainer who can create a safe space in which open, and honest communication is practiced, ultimately creates a cohesive group of increased trust, understanding, and shared meaning. An effective dialogue can be a pool of emotions, which can collectively…

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  • Description: The Whole Person Paradigm tool (linked) identifies the four elements of human nature (body, mind, heart, and spirit). Corresponding to those four elements are four capacities or intelligence that every human being possesses: physical (PQ), mental (IQ), emotional (EQ), and spiritual (SQ) intelligence. Mental Intelligence (IQ) – When we speak of intelligence, we usually think in terms of mental…

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  • This article is extracted from Stephen Covey’s book the 8th Habit. In the first part of his book he argues that many of our “modern” management practices come from the Industrial Age management tactics, that are mainly based on working with manual workers and treating them as “things”. He identifies the problem as a bad management with applying the Industrial…

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  • Stephen Covey identifies the natural laws with human principles. In his book “the 8th Habit” he states that principles are like natural laws. They are universal – they transcend culture and geography. They are timeless, and they never change – principles such as fairness, kindness, respect, honesty, integrity, service and contribution. Different cultures may translate into different practices, nevertheless, they…

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  • #values Description Being civically engaged means that you are standing up for something you believe in. If you want to make a change based on your beliefs it needs to start with yourself – firstly by understanding your values and beliefs and secondly by being aware of your goals and how everyday behavior reflect those values and beliefs. Your behavior…

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  • Increasing the personal awareness of your values is of utmost importance to understand the direction of your civic engagement and empowerment in society. In simplest terms, personal value is something that person values, one’s judgment of what is important in life, principles or standards of behavior on which basis your perceptions are built, and the decisions are done. Consciously…

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  • Diversity awareness is one’s ability to embrace the uniqueness of all individuals along several dimensions such as race, religious beliefs, ethnicity, age, gender, physical abilities, political beliefs, a socioeconomic status. Diversity awareness skills extend beyond mere tolerance to encompass exploration of such individual differences, respecting them, and ultimately nurturing a healthy relationship with the individual despite the differences. With the…

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  • Why did I choose this tool? I used to be one of those people that dove headfirst into every cause that was helping someone or that I was asked to contribute to. I worked very hard with no pay for over 8 years, giving all of my time, energy, emotions and brainpower towards accomplishing the goals of a non-profit organization.…

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