
  • Being civically engaged

    Altered states of mind for better awareness

    We are more isolated and alone than ever in an unpredictable world. We can do only two things: thrive or survive. The mind is the most powerful tool that we have. Understanding better our mind and the different wave frequencies will make us more able to go in our desired direction. Accessing altered states of mind creates intuitive guidance, it…

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  • Being civically engaged

    Promoting cultural competence

    What Is Culture? Culture is the totality of values, beliefs, and behaviors common to a large group of people. A culture may include shared language and folklore, communication styles and ideas, and thinking patterns—the “truths” accepted by members of the group. Members of culture have similar expectations of life. The term “culture” derives from the Latin word “cultura” which means…

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  • Being civically engaged

    Diversity awareness

    Diversity awareness is one’s ability to embrace the uniqueness of all individuals along several dimensions such as race, religious beliefs, ethnicity, age, gender, physical abilities, political beliefs, a socioeconomic status. Diversity awareness skills extend beyond mere tolerance to encompass exploration of such individual differences, respecting them, and ultimately nurturing a healthy relationship with the individual despite the differences. With the…

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  • Competence model articles

    Emotional Intelligence – the key to developing your intercultural competence

    Why did I choose this tool? Although the research behind and the proven importance of emotional intelligence is widely recognized, there is still a gap between how relevant emotional intelligence has been proven to be, and how widely it is applied and especially how developed, in every-day life. This tool once more brings to light how essential it is, using…

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