Encoding and decoding body language

    Why did I choose this tool? This tool goes through the different elements of body language and gives ideas of…

    The Game of Culture

    Why did I choose this tool? Being a gamer myself, I see the correlation between my gaming experiences and my…

    How to develop critical thinking skills

    Why did I choose this tool? It is a clear step by step approach to developing critical thinking skills. How…

    Trainer is a learner—check your efficiency

    Why did I choose this tool? Training/seminar/conference is a massive learning field. The question is: are we ready to take…

    How to improve our own performance as a trainer?

    Why did I choose this tool? The purpose is to provide you with suggestions for the future and to help…

    I am looser, baby, so why don’t you block me

    Why did I choose this tool? We prepared this tool after reading different literature and after trying it out personally.…

    Learning to learn

    Designing educational programmes

      March 18, 2020

      Mutual learning Model: A Model for Learning From and With Others

      What we know and how we transfer that knowledge to others is a completely different world. How many times we…
      March 18, 2020

      The Jungle of ITC Tools

      Introduction: Information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) and specifically E-learning are essential nowadays for several reasons, of political, sociological and…
      March 18, 2020

      Making Observations and challenging your assumptions

      Introduction: Seek and you shall find. If we don’t seek we won’t find. It is that simple. If you think…
      March 18, 2020

      Flexible Thinking

      Content: Flexible thinking is one of the three main executive skills. The other two are working memory and inhibitory control…
      March 18, 2020

      Change Readiness

      Introduction: Trainers should be ready to changes, should be open to unexpected elements when he/she works, but what does it…
      March 18, 2020

      Data analysis is broad: what to use and how to use in training field

      Introduction: When we take a step back and attempt to simplify data analysis, we can quickly see it boils down…
      March 18, 2020

      The treasure of non-formal learning

      Introduction: As trainers in the field of non-formal education, sometimes we are more aware of methodologies rather than the inner…
      March 18, 2020

      The influence of group dynamics in learning

      Sometimes it could happen that we are challenged by a group in a training course and the following might happen…
      March 18, 2020

      Upgrading online working methods

      Introduction: ICT Tools and e-learning techniques are very useful tools for supporting the development of learning, improving accessibility of the…
      March 18, 2020

      Understanding, Manipulating and transforming tools

      Introduction: Here we’ll have to explore practical skills. Skills that gets sharpened by experience and tough situations a trainer can…
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