
  • An ability to be empathetic

    Sympathy vs. Empathy

    Why did I choose this tool? As a trainer, I believe we often avoid feeling and expressing our emotions. We recognize other people’s emotional states and know what they’re feeling, and yet we avoid feeling those emotions ourselves. I chose this video by Brené Brown because for me it clearly describes the difference between identifying how someone feels and feeling…

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  • An ability to clearly express thoughts and emotions

    Permission to Feel

    Why did I choose this tool? I believe that one of the most important parts of creating a safe space is to let people know that they have the permission to feel whatever it is that they’re feeling. I chose this tool because I love simple tools that are easy to remember and yet sometimes difficult to put into practice.…

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  • Cares to share emotions and insights honestly and respectfullyRecognize emotions

    Recognize emotions

    Why did I choose this tool? This method will allow the trainer to analyse the emotions of others and himself. Also it will widen the vocabulary of emotions that the trainer is using. How does this apply to being a trainer? Working in training programs which are based on group processes, self-analysis and analysis of difficult cases, for example: EVS…

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