Being civically engaged
Natural and moral authority
Stephen Covey identifies the natural laws with human principles. In his book “the 8th Habit” he states that principles are like natural laws. They are universal – they transcend culture and geography. They are timeless, and they never change – principles such as fairness, kindness, respect, honesty, integrity, service and contribution. Different cultures may translate into different practices, nevertheless, they…
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Being civically engaged
Do I Walk my Talk?
#values Description Being civically engaged means that you are standing up for something you believe in. If you want to make a change based on your beliefs it needs to start with yourself – firstly by understanding your values and beliefs and secondly by being aware of your goals and how everyday behavior reflect those values and beliefs. Your behavior…
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Adjusts the approaches and contents concerning the group of learners
Finding a new balance
Introduction: During training, it is very important to keep attention to the group flow, dynamics and feelings in a way to be able to adapt the contents and sometimes also the values prepared in advance. It is one of the principles of non-formal learning, keep the learners at the center of the process. Sometimes could be difficult to plan and…
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Acceptance of the key concepts, values and consolidated practice of non-formal learning
Finding the magic of non-formal learning
introduction: The trainer should be able to apply and not only to know the principles of non-formal learning and, in a way, transforming them into their sessions and passing them to the participants. The principles of non-formal learning should be the basis of the understanding and practices of training proposals and having a clear aim of having an impact on…
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Bases interaction with learners on a specific theory
Non-formal education principles
Why did I choose this tool? This is an introductory tool to non-formal education principles, which helps to put into perspective supporting the learner, choosing the “correct” educational approach and creating a learning environment. I use the introduction to NFE principles at the beginning of a training program so the participants can better comprehend what is going to happen and…
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