Being civically engaged

Being civically engaged

  • Social Cohesion

    Cohesion is the degree to which group members come together as one unit to reach a common goal. Members of cohesive groups see themselves as one entity rather than a collection of individuals. Group members have positive regard for one another and get along well. They listen to and trust one another and respect each other’s opinion even if they…

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  • The civil rights movement in the USA during the 50s and 60s was about ending racial discrimination and segregation; it was about having equal rights between the black and the white people. The happy ending of this event was the start of writing a different history, the start of social justice. The movie Selma, 2015 by Ava Duvernay, is a…

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  • Sexism

    According to the UN: In 18 countries, husbands can legally prevent their wives from working; in 39 countries, daughters and sons do not have equal inheritance rights; and 49 countries lack laws protecting women from domestic violence. In 46 countries, women now hold more than 30 percent of seats in the national parliament in at least one chamber. Only 52…

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  • Interest in the political life of society is a stepping stone to involvement in community life and vice versa. An interest in politics stimulates an individual to become informed about how the policy-making process works, what the opinions of different stakeholders are, and what means of participation are available. This article makes an overview of the “participation” part of the…

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  • Youth participation includes a wide variety of practices such as civic education of young people, volunteering and community activism. The survey wanted to focus only on forms of participation which aim to support and enable young people to influence political or public body decision making; To develop the descriptions for each form, it drew on the work of Gretschel et…

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  • The 11 EU Youth Goals are part of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and represent the vision of young Europeans. They are an outcome of a structured dialogue process during two years (2017-18) including research, consultations and EU Youth conferences (in total three), where more than 250 youth representatives, policymakers and experts from the youth field met and discussed the…

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  • The EU Youth Strategy is the framework for youth policy cooperation and it represents the basis for the youth policies on the EU level. The new strategy builds on the previous youth strategy 2010-2018. The new strategy has been developed by the European Commission with previous long years of preparatory work. The preparatory work for the strategy included the documents:…

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  • Civic engagement or civic participation is any individual or group activity addressing issues of public concern. Citizens acting alone or together to protect public values or make a change or difference in the community are common types of civic engagement. Civic engagement includes communities working together in both political and non-political actions. Four interrelated constructs have been identified in the…

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  • Civic engagement is active participation in the public life in the community and it means that your actions are informed, committed and constructive, and they benefit the community. The video stresses the importance of the “community” as the center of civic engagement. It also mentions the reciprocal relationship with your community i.e. what do you gain from your community and…

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  • In this video, Yuval Noah Harari spoke with 350 young people in South London together with the comedian and presenter Russell Brand. In this first-ever Penguin Talk, Harari shared his thoughts on the future of humanity in an honest conversation with Brand and the young audience about the challenges facing the next generation (and how they might be overcome). He…

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