Demicheli Federica

Master in Intercultural Mediation, trainer and researcher for Erasmus + National Agencies, GIZ and other international institutions about Intercultural Learning,Youth work and Youth Policies and Community Development. She is part of the pool of trainers about Recognition of non-formal education “Recognise it” of the German National Agency Erasmus + and Salto EuroMed RC and she coordinated the Conference on the recognition of non-formal education in 2018 in Naples. Member of the working group of the “Time of Show Off” publication on the role and methodologies of youth work and non-formal education. Initiator of the online professionals discussion group in Italy on “Youth work in Codiv crise”. Founder of the association “NINFEA” for the recognition of youth work in Italy. Professional Youth worker and expert in Youth Policy at National and European Level (author of the Youth Wiki page for Italy).
  • Designing Educational Programmes

    Social transformation for training design

    One definition of social transformation is the process by which an individual alters the socially ascribed social status of their parents into a socially achieved status for themselves. However, another definition refers to large scale social change as in cultural reforms or transformations. Non Formal learning induces changes and advocates for transformation. *[Content] It has been suggested that the educational…

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  • Applies methods and approaches for the transfer of knowledge and values in the learning processMutual learning Model: A Model for Learning From and With Others

    Mutual learning Model: A Model for Learning From and With Others

    What we know and how we transfer that knowledge to others is a completely different world. How many times we have said that someone knows a lot, but is not able to share and to pass the knowledge, the values or the passion to others? Because it is not easy to think and to put ourselves as trainers in a…

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  • Adjusts the approaches and contents concerning the group of learners

    Readiness to constantly adjust the contents and the values of the program to the process of the group

    Introduction: A trainer should be flexible to adjust the contents of the program to the process of the group to empower the learning experience and provide a safe environment for better learning. Learning is important because no one is born with the ability to competently function as an adult iIb Ravn describes facilitation as the canalization of the energy and…

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  • Competence model articlesLearning and Transfer in my training

    Learning and Transfer in my training

    Learning is important because no one is born with the ability to competently function as an adult in the society. It is especially important to understand the kinds of learning experiences that lead to transfer, defined as the ability to extend what has been learned in one context to new contexts (e.g., Byrnes, 1996:74). Educators hope that students will transfer…

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  • Applies methods and approaches for the transfer of knowledge and values in the learning processThe influence of group dynamics in learning

    The influence of group dynamics in learning

    Sometimes it could happen that we are challenged by a group in a training course and the following might happen for different reasons: 1. the content is not coherent with the need of the group, 2. the delivery of the session is not well adapted to the learning style of that group, 3. sometimes we are in a specific phase…

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  • Competence model articles

    The Jungle of ITC Tools

    Introduction: Information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) and specifically E-learning are essential nowadays for several reasons, of political, sociological and economic order, and have marked a crossroads in the current learning and communication paradigms. E-learning is also part of this tendency. Content: ICT tools? What do we mean? According to UNESCO (2002), information and communication technology (ICT) may be regarded…

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  • Competence model articles

    Change Readiness

    Introduction: Trainers should be ready to changes, should be open to unexpected elements when he/she works, but what does it mean? In this article, we are going to explore the Change readiness concept. Content: Readiness” is a highly subjective term—subjective in scope, subjective in degree, and subjective in the eye of the beholder. What and who needs to be ready?…

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  • Applies specific assessment methods and principles in the evaluation processTypologies of Evaluation and methods

    Typologies of Evaluation and methods

    Introduction: In this section, we will introduce other types of evaluation, this time categorized according to their actors (personal, interpersonal, group), to their functionality (formative, summative) and their nature (quantitative, qualitative). In this way, would be possible for the trainer planning in advance with kind of evaluation would like to implement and also which outcomes would be foreseen. Sometimes evaluation…

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  • Competence model articlesEvaluation in Learning Process

    Evaluation in Learning Process

    Introduction: In every walk of life, the process of evaluation takes place in one or the other form. It is only through evaluation that one can learn. The whole cycle of social development revolves around the evaluation process. Content: Evaluation plays an enormous role in the learning process. It helps trainers and learners to improve training and learning. Evaluation is…

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  • Competence model articles

    Understanding, Manipulating and transforming tools

    Introduction: Here we’ll have to explore practical skills. Skills that gets sharpened by experience and tough situations a trainer can find him/herself in. It is closely tied to the “Making Observations” article. Both rotate around each other. We observe, interpret and take actions accordingly. Then we re-observe what these actions have produced so we can assess the situation again. It…

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