Community: The Hidden Context for Learning

    Introduction: Community catalyzes deep learning and should be a critical consideration when planning physical and virtual learning spaces. Why we…

    Political vs non-political civic acts

    Civic engagement or civic participation is any individual or group activity addressing issues of public concern. Citizens acting alone or…

    Yes, and

    Why did I choose this tool? We introduce briefly seven elements of the improvisation and invite you to try out…

    Encouragement – the art of supporting people

    By encouraging colleagues, you support them in recognizing their strengths and resources so that they can become aware of their…

    Let’s brainstorm what we will make for lunch

    Why did I choose this tool? One of the authors started to work as a project manager in a business…

    Imagination as a tool in conflict resolution

    Disagreements escalate into conflicts when people come to a dead end. This might occur when a mutually reached agreement fails…

    Designing educational programmes

      March 18, 2020

      E-learning challenges and strategies

      Introduction: Few things are more frustrating than spending a lot of time and resources coming up with fantastic eLearning courses…
      March 18, 2020

      Community: The Hidden Context for Learning

      Introduction: Community catalyzes deep learning and should be a critical consideration when planning physical and virtual learning spaces. Why we…
      March 18, 2020

      Do learners feel that trainers care?

      introduction: It is very important to understand that the learners don’t feel at same levels (cognitive and emotional) the sincere…
      March 18, 2020

      Data analysis is broad: what to use and how to use in training field

      Introduction: When we take a step back and attempt to simplify data analysis, we can quickly see it boils down…
      March 18, 2020

      Mapping the learners’ needs

      Introduction: The training development should always be based on learners’ needs and how to full fill them in a significant…
      March 18, 2020

      Use specific ICT Tools in Learning Process.

      Introduction: The emerging practice of ‘multi-channel learning’, which focuses on enriching the educational experience by engaging all resources that are…
      March 18, 2020

      Tailored learning pathways: The Core Four of Personalized Learning Model

      Introduction: A ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach cannot be used for learners in general and especially for those who are at risk of…
      March 18, 2020

      Learning and Transfer in my training

      Learning is important because no one is born with the ability to competently function as an adult in the society.…
      March 18, 2020

      The influence of group dynamics in learning

      Sometimes it could happen that we are challenged by a group in a training course and the following might happen…
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