Being lucky to learn and grow

    Why did I choose this tool? For the writing of this article, I decided to do wider and longer research.…

    What is identity?

    Why did I choose this tool? Developing an unconditional acceptance and appreciation for all the members of the group and…

    Design your space of reflection

    Why did I choose this tool? According to Dr. Melanie Dodd, “The impact architecture has on a person’s mood is…

    The fundamental principle of non-formal learning as an educational practice.

    Introduction: Trainers should be aware of the wider pedagogical background of non-formal learning and having a clear understanding of the…

    Unpacking Conflict

    Why did I choose this tool? I have noticed that a lot of material about conflicts is more theoretical than…

    EU Youth goals and the Vision of young people

    The 11 EU Youth Goals are part of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and represent the vision of young Europeans.…

    Designing educational programmes

      March 18, 2020

      Community: The Hidden Context for Learning

      Introduction: Community catalyzes deep learning and should be a critical consideration when planning physical and virtual learning spaces. Why we…
      March 18, 2020

      Getting engaged in curiosity

      introduction: In general, a trainer is a curious person who likes to investigate new topics, new themes, to test new…
      March 18, 2020

      Change Readiness

      Introduction: Trainers should be ready to changes, should be open to unexpected elements when he/she works, but what does it…
      February 13, 2021

      Putting the information in the context

      If we don’t put the information that we have collected in the right perspective, we could lose the real dimension…
      March 18, 2020

      Mutual learning Model: A Model for Learning From and With Others

      What we know and how we transfer that knowledge to others is a completely different world. How many times we…
      March 18, 2020

      Learning and Transfer in my training

      Learning is important because no one is born with the ability to competently function as an adult in the society.…
      March 18, 2020

      Upgrading online working methods

      Introduction: ICT Tools and e-learning techniques are very useful tools for supporting the development of learning, improving accessibility of the…
      March 18, 2020

      Develop recommendations

      Introduction: Evaluations often make recommendations about how a program can be improved, how the risk of program failure can be…
      March 18, 2020

      Do learners feel that trainers care?

      introduction: It is very important to understand that the learners don’t feel at same levels (cognitive and emotional) the sincere…
      March 18, 2020

      Use specific ICT Tools in Learning Process.

      Introduction: The emerging practice of ‘multi-channel learning’, which focuses on enriching the educational experience by engaging all resources that are…
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