H assessment
The self-evaluation will broaden your awareness about yourself and it is the very first step to practice your skill. If you want your skill to be improved, you should take into account “Action points” and try them out during your first learning/training activity.

Why did I choose this tool?
The ‘H’ Assessment is a simple self-monitoring and self-evaluation tool to explore the positive and negative reasons for your ability to create supportive relationships with learners and to suggest action ideas to improve it.
How does this apply to being a trainer?
Main content:
‘H’ assessment
Time Needed: This activity can be undertaken individually in a short period of time for example, approximately 60 minutes.
Key Steps
- Make a “H” shape on A4 paper / in your notebook
- In the left-hand column write positive reasons (what helps you to build up supportive relationships with learners?),
- In the right-hand column, a negative reasons (what doesn’t help you to build up supportive relationships with learners?)
- In the top center area of the H-shape write the question “How well do I establish supportive relationships with learners?
- At the left-end of the horizontal centerline of the H write 0 or ‘not at all well’ or a sad face symbol, and at the right-end of this line write 10 or ‘extremely well’ or a smiling face symbol.
- Write down negative reasons on the left-hand side of the H- form.
- Write down positive reasons on the left-hand side of the H- form.
- Decide upon a score between 0 and 10 or with the scale you are using.
- Think about in which way the current situation, as represented by all the positive and negative reasons, could be improved. This is carried out to record your ideas in the bottom centre half of the H-form.
- Give yourself x number of days to improve the “Score”. Try out those “Actions/ways” at your first training activity.
Reflection questions:
How this exercise helped you to understand your relationship with learners?
How could this reflection help you to have supportive relationships with learners in terms of creativity? Will it help you to be more creative and will it help you to encourage the creativity of your learners?