Life without learning
It’s an invitation for a final reflection.

Why did I choose this tool?
Once I compared a process of creativity with a process of learning, it came out that those two processes are not only similar, but are mainly the same. We can’t skip creativity just as much as we can’t skip learning. We can try to close our eyes and repeat the same words, thoughts and movements every time and still the context will force us to change and adapt. Life is movement, and movement requires change, change forces learning and creativity. There is no escape.
How does it apply to being a trainer?
Trainer is a human being playing one of many social roles. Today he/she is a trainer, tomorrow maybe someone else. But what is sure, he/she will remain a learner.

Finish the sentences:
- I am a learning trainer who works on a planet called ………..
- My source of inspiration for trainers’ work is ………….
- When I sometimes feel learning difficulties, then I know that what blocks me is …..
- In the future I plan …
Reflection questions:
- What would your metaphor for life without learning be?