Competence model articles
Making Observations and challenging your assumptions
Introduction: Seek and you shall find. If we don’t seek we won’t find. It is that simple. If you think that the program is perfect and is a masterpiece, you will never observe anything that wouldn’t support that assumption. Here the criterion is “readiness”, which is being ready to observe the things that oppose your presumptions about the program and…
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Competence model articles
Political Correctness and Sensitivity
Introduction: We live in a world where integration between diverse groups, whether religious or race or whatever base these groups were built, is needed more than ever. These days are not like early in the century when a few groups were dominating the discourse. These dominant groups used terms that are relevant to them and only them, terms that can…
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Competence model articles
Global issues awareness
Introduction: Being aware of what is happening all over the globe is quite hard and sometimes exhausting emotionally and mentally. However, as a trainer to integrate socio-political elements in programs, there must be a limited amount of knowledge of most socio-political events relevant to the program, learners and/or the topic. It is a hard task, but one that is essential…
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Applies methods and approaches for the transfer of knowledge and values in the learning process
Constructivism Learning Theory
Introduction: One of the key factors in training is to be able to transfer knowledge and values in a learning process that has a kind of impact on the group of trainees. Doing training without thinking about the impact that this can have on the group of participants and how it is the best way to transfer the knowledge in…
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Competence model articles
Upgrading online working methods
Introduction: ICT Tools and e-learning techniques are very useful tools for supporting the development of learning, improving accessibility of the wider public, reduce the limitation of mobility and provide quality training overcoming distances and reducing costs. ICT Tool and e-learning techniques are much more than functionals and they can upscale the learning possibilities, sharing information, creative approaches and innovation in…
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Choose and designing appropriate methods for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information
Focusing on data
Introduction: The goal for all data collection is to capture quality evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the questions that have been posted. The trainer should be able to see the data as a basis of his/her work where he/she can find the reason for an activity, define the objectives and…
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Adjusts the approaches and contents concerning the group of learners
Finding a new balance
Introduction: During training, it is very important to keep attention to the group flow, dynamics and feelings in a way to be able to adapt the contents and sometimes also the values prepared in advance. It is one of the principles of non-formal learning, keep the learners at the center of the process. Sometimes could be difficult to plan and…
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Competence model articles
Not only challenges but also opportunities in ICT
Introduction: ICT and e-learning tools and techniques are not always very familiar or they can bring challenges for being integrated into a whole educational flow. The trainer should be able to identify those challenges, name them and preview a possibility or better a strategy to overcome them. Challenges sometimes are a good reason for not take into account the possibility…
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Competence model articles
E-learning challenges and strategies
Introduction: Few things are more frustrating than spending a lot of time and resources coming up with fantastic eLearning courses and modules only to find that people simply are utilizing them. How do you break through the resistance and motivate people to engage in the eLearning you know will help them reach higher levels of performance? Content: Here are some…
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Choose and designing appropriate methods for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information
The truth doesn’t exist
Introduction: The definition of ambiguity tolerance has changed since its inception, and accompanying that change are changes in measurement and the research questions that interest researchers. Ambiguity is becoming more and more a core concept in the complexity of the nowaday society and in the multi-level and multicultural dimension in which we are living and working. Society is full of…
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