How to process your emotions
Emotional literacy is very important in any profession where you have to deal with people. The awareness of your own emotions and the emotions of others is a factor that can make you more professional and help you prevent mistakes and failures.

Why did I choose this tool?
Recognizing your own emotions is a professional challenge. It is easy to recognize your repeated behaviours: you notice yourself or your colleagues are feed-backing about it. But it is essential to take the next step and understand were these behaviours are coming from, what emotions are causing it and what issues are we suppressing with these routines.
How does this apply to being a trainer?
As a trainer you have to be aware of your behaviours in training situations while working and living with groups. You have to be able to understand your emotions or to know which emotions cause certain behaviours of yours. Not being able to deal with your emotions can lead to burnout, behaviours which could be characterized as not professional. Each trainer should have personal tools and strategies on how to prevent, control or deal with personal emotions.
Main content:
- Watch a YouTube video on the recognition of emotions. The video is about the consequences of what happens if you don’t deal with emotions and situations in your personal and professional life. It also indicates symptoms of professional burnout and typical behaviours which people have while not dealing with difficult emotions.
- Reflect which strategies you or your colleague trainer use to escape difficult emotions? Compare the YouTube video with your professional life. List them and analyse where these behaviours are coming from (what are the reasons for this behaviour).
- What strategies highlighted in the video could be useful to deal with your emotions?
- What a second YouTube video on how to master your emotions:
- Which strategies from the video you could use as a trainer?
Reflection questions:
What are the most difficult emotional moments for you during the training situations?
How do you deal with emotionally difficult situations? What are your strategies and rituals?
How can you help your colleagues to deal with these situations?